Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Reading the footnotes of Mcdonalds press release, 2004 earnings had one time charges of .14 cents per share so the 1.79 reported for the year was 1.93 operating earnings adjusted. 2005 had one time benefits of .06 per share, so adjust the 2.04 reported down to 1.98. That's growth of 3%., a lot different than the headlines ballyhooed on the news wires and CNBC of "McDonalds profit jumps 53%, or McDonalds stock soars on 4th qtr earnings. What's more, revenue DECLINED sequentially. The 4th quarter had the slowest total sales growth in YEARS, averaging 2.5% vs 6% for the 3rd qtr and 6.3% 2nd qtr. Currency is starting to hurt them. Where are the analysts and reporters? Does anyone look behind the headlines any more.

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